The festival "Dances in Kerhervy" – Lanester (Brittany, France)
1 ) General Settings:
Carried by the Eskemm Company since 2009, this festival gives a programming with professional and non-professional and takes place every two years on the outstanding site named the “Ship’s Graveyard” in Lanester.
Besides a programming dense and diverse, workshops for the public (dancers or not) are taking place during the day, optimizing the place occupation and the meetings between artists, dancers and spectators.
The festival is now an important axes of the company, because of the possibility to crystallize the whole artistic approach of a choreographer: visibility, accessibility and meetings around the dance theme.
2) Presentation and History
Since 1993 and the presentation of dance production in its first part of the evening, the festival of non - professional Theatre of Kerhervy made the beautiful days of the non - professional dance, by giving it a full day representation in 1998 on the initiative of Karine Le Bris, choreographer of the Eskemm company. This annual meeting, marked by a high frequentation, was favouring already the crossing of different public.
It’s in 2009 that the Company created the 1st edition of the festival “Dances in Kerhervy”, with as strong directive line, a programming with professional and non-professional, on the behalf of the meeting between all dancing actors ; teachers, followers and artists, second, of a higher visibility of the choreographic creation in the direction of a wider public. |